Wednesday 15 July 2009

Hungary no more

Two years ago I tok a team of young people from my church to Hungary to do holiday clubs for SU Hungary. We went as part of SU England and Wales Frontline teams. We had a fabulous time and I think we all benefited from it. Well we have done it again, but without me, I had decided not to go away overnight for the first year of Ben's life but the yp were keen to go so off they went without me. It seems weird and hearing how they are getting on has made me wish I could be there. I don't doubt I have made the right descision and the group we have sent are well able to handle what needs to be done out there, but it's a good time. I look forward to going next year. Sometime, way in the future I would like to see my boys doing something like this, whether or not it is with me remains to be seen!